Friday, 16 November 2012

Kind Regards

Yesterday I was in a Kind Regards mode when I gatecrashed the call with C's team to talk about the mini project that I am coordinating.  To understand what is a Kind Regards mode, I need to explain how I open and end my emails.

In normal everymode, I start with Hello or Hi, and end with Best rgds.
When talking to my teammates, A, B, J, L and R and my ex boss J,  I sometimes dispense with the opening salutations and end with Cheers.  As we know each other very well and had been through a very trying time together in early 2012.
When I am annoyed with someone, and I still need to keep the tone civil [the Company is a very civil company.  Even when people disagree, as we all do at work sometimes, there are no vulgarities or profanity or references to anyone's mother on emails.  People state positions, and we figure out a way to collaborate and get things done.  End of story], then I end with Kind Regards.  Spelled out in full.

The other coordinator in C's team T (Hungarian 30 something male) is normally a quiet and amusing person.  In this particular instance, he stepped on my toes by his continued silence on how his work overlaps with mine ... he does not see that our work overlaps so he does not keep me or my boss E informed.  At all.  And then boom, last Thursday, he comes up with a deliverable that threatens to derail my/E's part of the project.  Via email of all the communication medium... and he did not even have the courtesy to call me first to give a heads up.  Just shot an email to me asking for my agreement that he should proceed. 

I joined C's call yesterday and I did something that I rarely do at work.  While T talked, I talked over him.  In the Asian culture, it is VERY rude to talk over someone.  You have to wait for someone to finish talking first, then start.  But T is European so he did not know that I was being very rude.  Hey, he talks over me too, so fair is fair.

When I emailed C's team after the call to write notes on what I had presented and who is to do what next steps, I was so annoyed that I dispensed entirely with opening and closing salutations.   If I could bullet point my 2 pithy sentences, I would have.  That was how annoyed I was.

J pinged me on communicater later to check how I was.  I am ok actually, just that I needed to drive home the point to both C and T that if T continues with his silence and sudden requests, he jeopardises my/E's deliverable.

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