This morning, I needed a boost of energy to start the day. I remember reading from either Style or Shape or Female about yoga sun salutations ~10 years ago. Even stuck the page up with Blu Tack onto my cupboard so that I did 8 sets every morning. The Sun Salutations are a series of 12 poses that build strength and flexibility.
Googled and this is the best animation. The basic steps in pictorial form is here.
I completed 4 sets this morning, and find myself out of breath. This exercise is not as easy as the animation makes it look!
Handling the boys alone for an evening plus the demands of the job meant a very physically exhausted and cranky me... which led to Medusa Mom moments with both Medium Boy and Small Boy last evening and this morning. Sigh. I really need to sleep more, eat well and exercise. To last the distance, as my virtual colleague M from Austria has been reminding me for the past week. He said that one rushed soul recognises another..... I am not sure if I am happy that he cares, or perturbed that he is able to pick up my hectic life even from the next continent.
Time for my breakfast of cheest on toast after exercising. As Stephen Covey says in Habit 7 Sharpen the Saw, I need to stop and take a breath, and work on my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspect of life.
Googled and this is the best animation. The basic steps in pictorial form is here.
I completed 4 sets this morning, and find myself out of breath. This exercise is not as easy as the animation makes it look!
Handling the boys alone for an evening plus the demands of the job meant a very physically exhausted and cranky me... which led to Medusa Mom moments with both Medium Boy and Small Boy last evening and this morning. Sigh. I really need to sleep more, eat well and exercise. To last the distance, as my virtual colleague M from Austria has been reminding me for the past week. He said that one rushed soul recognises another..... I am not sure if I am happy that he cares, or perturbed that he is able to pick up my hectic life even from the next continent.
Time for my breakfast of cheest on toast after exercising. As Stephen Covey says in Habit 7 Sharpen the Saw, I need to stop and take a breath, and work on my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspect of life.
You do yoga too! You're amazing!!